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UO Running Club
1228 University of Oregon
Erb Memorial Union
Eugene, OR 97403-1228
Our club meets every day of the week to run and train for our upcoming racing seasons. We are coached by USTFCCCA Hall of Famer, Tom Heinonen. He was the coach of the powerful U of O women's track and cross country teams for 27 years. He now volunteers as our coach and trains us for cross country races in the fall and track meets in the spring. With Tom's guidance since 2003, Running Club members have competed in intercollegiate meets up and down the Willamette Valley.
We also take day-trips up the McKenzie River and to the Oregon Coast every year.
Most years, the highlight of our cross country season is competing against other collegiate clubs at the NIRCA national championships in November.
The NIRCA Nationals have always been held east of the Mississippi. To help reduce the cost for each individual runner competing at this meet, our club works at 18 women's volleyball matches throughout the fall season. We've also had fundraisers at pizza parlors and yogurt shops. Although we make money from these activities, it isn't nearly enough to make the trip to nationals affordable for many of our Running Club members.
In order to make ends meet for nationals and our other club events, we're asking our family members and friends to help us with these costs. The funds which we raise will go toward the national meet, group trips and exploration runs at the Oregon coast and up the McKenzie River Trail, and our spring track season! In order to reach our goals as a running club this year, we need your help! Would you be willing to help us with your donation?
All donations are tax-deductible (Federal TIN: 93-6001786). 100% of all donations go directly to support the Club.
Thank you for your support!